By Sara E. Barnes

Fupete is an Ital­ian artist and illus­tra­tor whose work dons not only the gallery, but bill­boards, print design, and prod­ucts (likes shoes!). Fupete’s work is expres­sive and raw, and some­times out of con­trol. He incor­po­rates drip­ping paint, choppy mark-making, and solemn faces to give his work feel­ing. I often get the sense of chaos with his work. The fig­ures exist in this envi­ron­ment, but I am unde­cided if that’s where they want to be. I really love the bill­boards Fupete has par­tic­i­pated in, as well as his murals. They are a bit more struc­tured than his paint­ings, but they still incor­po­rate bold, strik­ing color and unique char­ac­ter design.


Brown Paper Bag, 2010
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